Frances Hogan is a lay missionary and educator working in the Catholic Church since the late 60's. She worked as a missionary in West Africa for some years. She has taught in schools in Africa and Ireland. From the mid-80's she lectured in the Milltown Institute of Philosophy and Theology in Dublin, and served four years on the Theological Commission of the Bishops. She is also trained as a Spiritual Director and Retreat giver.
Since the '80s Frances has written ten books, now out of print. Over the years Frances has made many teachings on Scripture and the Spiritual Life available for sale on hundreds of cassettes. The current list is available in her online shop, now only available in digital format.
Frances no longer gives Missions in parishes, as well as Retreats and Seminars to people mainly in the English-speaking world. She continues to give Scripture classes from her home.
Frances comes from a family of nine children. Her parents, now deceased, were called Mary and Joseph, which she considers significant! Her father was the main influence in her life teaching her the scriptures from her infancy. She never knew a time when the scriptures were not her daily fare. Her father encouraged the habit of daily Mass since early childhood, and he, himself, was a man of prayer, especially in the latter years of his life. The family Rosary was a daily event in youth. God was a big part of the equation in everyday life.
From the age of 10 Frances was taught scripture by her parish priest, who was a scripture scholar of note in the diocese of Dublin. He was the professor of oriental languages in UCD, and translated the New Testament by himself. His library of 10,000 books was donated to the University after his death. Another priest acted as spiritual director to her in these difficult teenage years. It was during this time Frances decided to follow the Irish tradition of 'exile for Christ', and became a missionary. This was not unusual for she had promised the Lord to 'take the gospel to the ends of the Earth' at the tender age of 3 when she experienced God personally for the first time.
Like St. Paul, Frances has a sense of "woe is me if I do not preach the gospel; it is a burden that has been laid upon me" (1 Corinthians 9:16). She agrees with Paul that it is not a matter of boasting or claiming to be better than anyone else. It is her duty given by God.
Frances's vision to take the Gospel to the ends of the Earth began with an encounter with the Lord at three and a half years of age.
For this reason, she has dedicated her life and bringing the beauty, power and grace of the Holy Scriptures and the laity so that they can reach the heights of holiness.
Like St Paul, she realises that this gives her no ground for boasting for it is an obligation laid upon her.
"Woe is me if I don't preach the gospel"
1 Cor 9:16
Frances Hogan's following is international.
To reach everyone interested in her work, Frances has developed this website.
On this website, it is possible to purchase the recordings of France's talks, which she gave worldwide.
It is also possible to find the links to her latest webinar series and the recordings of the previous series.